UBC in Stamps, by Fred Hume
UBC IN CANADIAN POSTAGE STAMPS Rick Hansen: UBC graduate who represented Canada at 1982 Pan Am Games and ‘84 ParaOlympics. Winner of numerous marathons. 1983 co winner of Canada’s outstanding male athlete award. Has raised both awareness and funds for disabled people ever since the Man in Motion world tour that he and his […]
Cecil Green Park, by Evelyn Lett
Cecil Green Park, by Evelyn Lett

The UBC Writing Centre, 1992-2015
Throughout the 1980s, the English Department debated the issue of writing instruction. Should the Department’s resources be drawn upon to teach basic composition? Shouldn’t the focus be on literature and advanced language study? Should writing instruction be included at all? In those days the first-year program was represented entirely by English 100, a six-credit course […]

The UBC Faculty Club
The Faculty Club at UBC began life in 1947 in a refurbished army hut at the north end of Main Mall. Thanks to the generosity of Leon and Thea Koerner, the hut was replaced by a new building designed by Frederic Lasserre and opened in 1959. UBC Archives has created a virtual display about the […]

The Legacy Collection of UBC Memorabilia
The primary goal of the Legacy Project has always been to capture the memories and experiences of the faculty, staff, and alumni members of the UBC community through personal interviews uploaded in the UBC Archives at https://open.library.ubc.ca/collections/ubcavfrc. Most of these recordings are also available through the Legacy website at https://legacies.alumni.ubc.ca/new-video-gallery/. We have also begun to […]
“The Touch of Greatness,” by Patricia Ellis Kendall
The Touch of Greatness

Opening of First Tree Plaza, May 2, 2007
“On 2 May 2007 a group of about 30 people gathered for the dedication of ‘First Tree Plaza,’ a small stony square between UBC’s Old Auditorium and the Geography Building. For some years the square had been home to several large waste containers; now it was being reclaimed for public use, thanks to the […]
Photographs from the album of Victor Warren
VICTOR WARREN (photo still from his Legacy Project interview) Victor Warren is an alumnus of UBC from the Faculty of Arts & Sciences (as it was until 1963) and the Faculty of Education. He majored in Geography and Psychology in the former and graduated in 1960. At UBC, Warren was a prominent player on the UBC […]