Plaque commemorating a battle in WW1; at the foot of a beech tree outside Buchanan Tower
The plaque in the previous photo, slowly disappearing into the bole of the tree in 2013. Today (2019) it is entirely covered.
One of 12 aluminum signs on the UBC Vancouver campus, by artist Hock E Aye VI Edgar Heap of Birds. The collection is titled Native Hosts.
Another sign in the “Native Hosts” series.
This plaque sits atop a concrete post at the entrance to Place Vanier on Lower Mall.
Built in 1912 by noted Vancouver architect Samuel Maclure, Cecil Green Park House is named for donor Cecil Green, founder of Texas Instruments, who attended UBC as an undergraduate.
The plaque commemorates the opening of what is now the Food and Nutritional Sciences building on East Mall. The photograph shows the old Home Economics building at the corner of East Mall and University Boulevard.
This was originally placed in the first Home Economics building (see neighbouring photo).
In the President’s Residence on Northwest Marine Drive
This plaque is placed on the Technology Enterprise Facility (TEF) Building 3.
One of the replica “Sisters of Mercy: on TEF 3.
This, the only surviving original “Sister of Mercy”, stands at the Ital Decor statuary on Hastings St.
The Cairn on Main Mall commemorates the Great Trek that took place in October 1922.
Plaque on the memorial Cairn on Main Mall, commemorating the Great Trek of October 1922.
A plaque at the foot of the Cairn, marking a time capsule to be opened in 2022.
On the side of the Cairn
Perhaps the best-known symbol on the UBC Vancouver campus, the Engineers’ Cairn on Main Mall.
A style of signpost now (thankfully) out of fashion.
Street sign on the Vancouver campus. Many are now in both English and hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓, the language of the Musqueam people.
Plaque at the foot of the Ladner Clock Tower and Carillon
Commemorating the opening of the south wing of the Main Library in 1960 (the north wing had opened in 1948).
In the lobby of the Frank Forward Building
Placed in the lobby of the Wesbrook Building at the corner of University and East Mall
The statue of the Goddess of Democracy (1991), north of the Student Life Building, to commemorate events in China in 1989
Tree planted by the graduating class of 1919, in what is now called First Tree Plaza.
Every tree planted by a graduating class has its own date stone or plaque. 1919 was the first year this practice began. For more about such trees on the UBC campus, go to the Archives site at
At the entrance to the Neville Scarfe Building, named for the first Dean of Education.
W. R. Wyman Plaza, a monument to donors to the World of Opportunity campaign 1987-90. Robert Wyman was UBC Chancellor 1984-7.
Looking down on the Wyman Plaza monument. According to the Ubyssey (October 6, 2016) this site forms an echo chamber of sorts.
A plaque in honour of “Jabez,” the pseudonym of Vancouver writer and humorist Eric P. Nicol (1919-2011), a frequent contributor to the Ubyssey. The plaque is in the first-floor corridor of the north wing of Brock Hall.
In Brock Hall. The Brocks were killed in a plane crash at Alta Lake, BC, in 1935. Brock Hall served as the student union building 1940-1968.
Golden Jubilee Plaque in IKBLC
This was unveiled by the Queen during her visit to UBC in October 2002. It sits in the Golden Jubilee Room of the I.K. Barber Learning Centre, 4th floor, where it is protected under a purple cloth.
Outside the Koerner Library, The Queen unveils the plaque honouring her visit and her Golden Jubilee. Beside her is BC Premier Gordon Campbell.
This commemorates the opening of the Science Building, the first structure to be completed on UBC’s new Point Grey Campus. The building now houses Chemistry.
A celebration of UBC scientist Neil Bartlett, who discovered the properties of noble gases. This plaque is mounted beside the one recording the opening of the Chemistry Building (above).
This plaque signals the completion of a project renewing the Chemistry Building in 2008. Note the modest claim that British Columbia is “The Best Place on Earth.”
Victory Through Honour
The original of this pole, known as “Victory Through Honour,” was given to UBC by Ellen and Edward Neel in 1948. This replica was dedicated in 2004. For a full account go to the UBC Thunderbirds website, under “Tradition.”
This plaque records the words of Ellen Neel and Chief William Scow at the time of the raising of the original pole in 1948.
This plaque, recording the establishment of UBC at Point Grey, was evidently removed from its original site, and returned to the University after many years of absence. So far we are unable to pinpoint its original location.
Main Library
Over the entrance to the old Main Library is a stone replica of UBC’s coat of arms, flanked by two small images reflecting a major controversy of the time. 1925, the year the Library was built, was also the year of the “Scopes Trial,” when a teacher in the US was tried for teaching Darwin’s theory of evolution. The stone figures depict on one side a fundamentalist, on the other a monkey.
Located near the Frederic Wood Theatre, this plaque sits beneath a bronze bust of Norman “Larry” MacKenzie, third President of UBC from 1944 to 1962.
Bust of President Norman “Larry” MacKenzie, by Vancouver artist Jack Harmon
House-post at Totem Park Student Residence
Plaque describing the Totem Park house-post
The Woodward Library is named after the founder of Woodward’s Department Store in Vancouver (closed in 1993)
Isaac Newton’s apple trees, by the entrance to TRIUMF